Studio App (E-learning platform casestudy)
What is this app about?
The studio as the name suggests is your space to be creative. Here you will have a variety of creative lessons from a number of genres to choose from.
The four major categories are
- Visual arts
- Performing arts
- Digital arts
- Literature.
- This further is bifurcated into various subcategories.
Why did I choose this niche?
Creative art is a niche that gives me the liberty to play with the visual design of the app.
Also systematically determining the flow of the various categories under this niche is a welcomed challenge.
A lot went into heuristic research and finding out the best-used practices and patterns amongst various educational apps.
Researching the niche and the various genres in it was another aspect of this process.
Information Architecture
This niche in particular has a vast number of categories. Carefully understanding how to collate them into categories and adding features that add value to the app was decided in this step.
The entire app is categorized into FOUR KEY FEATURES.
- Home
- My lessons
- Downloads
- Account
Low-fidelity Wireframes
I began deciding what goes where and the layout with low-fidelity paper wireframes, which would act as a base for further work to be conducted.
Wireframing and Copywriting
Writing the copy for the app and the layout was done in this step in the form of medium-fidelity wireframes.
Deciding the level of emphasis that needs to be given to certain elements compared to the other elements was majorly done in this step.
Visual Design
Onboarding Screens
The feature’s approach was considered while designing the onboarding screens. Playing with attractive visuals to entice users and creating an aura that gives a feeling that u are entering a studio was kept in mind while designing the onboarding screens.
Login Signup flow
Bottom Navigation
- Home
- My lessons
- Downloads
- Account
Home/ Categories/ Subcategories
- Home Screen — Main category cards
- Subcategory tabs
- Levels — Beginner, Intermediate and Expert
Product details
- Preview Video
- Overview
- Lessons
- Discussions
Instructor Profile
- Instructor details
- Lessons made by him
- Ratings
My lessons
- All purchased lessons will be placed here
- All lessons that are saved for later purchase will be placed here.
- All videos downloaded for offline viewing will be placed here.
Search/ Sort/ Filter
Account/ Setting
- Progress details
- App settings